Weekly Bulletin
September 8, 2024
8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8 KJV
Greeting/Opening Prayer: ……………...Kenneth Lam
Tithes: ………….....………………….....Dennis Harlow
Ushers: Eli Lam & Drew Keyser
Greeters: Sadie Keyser & Addy Williams
Announcements: ....…………...…….Dennis Harlow
Children’s Church Classes this month:
Elementary-Vanessa Middle-Kim High-Clay
Special Music:
Message: ………………………….……Pastor Bence
Invitational Song:
*Prayer & Dismissal: …………...........Kenneth Lam
*Congregation will please stand, if able
SUNDAY September 8, Guest Speaker- Dennis Lambert.
Our 10am Bible Study Class followed by our 11am Worship Service. During our 11am Worship Service, Guest Speaker-Dennis Lambert will be here to minister the Word. Thank you for joining us today.
Looking Ahead:
WED-SAT Sept. 18-21, Community Tent Crusade, 7pm.
For this event, several local churches are joining together to reach our community. Music, testimonies, and a word to be shared. This event will be held just off 340 North beside Little League Ball Field in Elkton.
THURSDAY September 26, Quarterly Conference, 7pm.
This will be a brief meeting held in the sanctuary at 7pm. Church members, please plan to attend.
SATURDAY September 28, Church Breakfast, 9am.
Bring a friend and join us for a time of food and fellowship. A sign-up sheet can be found in the foyer.
**WEDNESDAY, No Choir Practice September 11.
**WEDNESDAY, Weekly Prayer September 11, 7pm.
**WEDNESDAY, Bible Study September 11, 7pm. Please read Revelations 21 & 22.