We are a very active church, both in-house and in the community. Below are a few ministry opportunities we have. If you would like to be a part of one, please let us know and we will get you connected!

Children's Church/
Sunday School
We currently have three classes for our children to attend after the worship portion of our services. The ages are 5-9, 10-13 and 13-18 (High School youth class two Sundays a month). We have many experienced teachers that volunteer and the children truly enjoy their time in class. A nursery is also available, and parents can hear the Pastor’s message while they are with their kids. We also have an opportunity for Wednesday evening children’s church as we hope to begin this ministry with those that have a desire to volunteer.

Youth Ministry
1 Timothy 4:12. We believe in empowering our young people to be messengers of Christ. That is why you will see them greeting you at the doors, singing in the choir, helping with ushering, and supporting our community events. We strive to do things for our young people throughout the year from game nights and fun excursions to youth services. When we invest in our young people, we are investing in the future of the church.

Women's Ministry
The women’s ministry plans an event or function monthly. This past year they have had a night of painting, delivered ornaments to the local nursing home, and enjoyed learning how to make different foods, just to name a few. All are welcome and they truly have a wonderful time in the Lord when they are together.

Men's Ministry
Men’s events are scheduled about once a quarter. We have had men’s breakfasts where we come together for a time in the Word and other excursions such as AX throwing. Our men also come together to help with some of the ongoings of the church, most recently they came together to sand and repaint the rails on our steps and ramps.

Our church has been established for over 50 years. When you attend with us you may see a blend of traditional and contemporary elements in the service. Our choir sings every service and several of our members that are musicians will play special music in different services. Our choir is made up of singers of all ages and we love for our congregation to join and sing with them.

Community Schools Support
Our church partners with the local schools in two ways right now. We will strive to help provide meals for families in need during the holidays. We also help to support snacks for several classes at one of our local schools. We have partnered with different community organizations over the years through this engagement.